File a Complaint

If you believe there has been a violation of the Professional Landscape Architects Act or the Board Rules (Title 231 of the Nebraska Administrative Code), please complete and submit a Complaint Form. The Board does not have the authority to impose sanctions or take action on matters that do not violate the laws of Nebraska. Civil, contractual and employee/employer matters are to be settled through the proper legal channels as the Board does not have the authority to enforce these matters. The board must rely on reports from the public, the landscape architecture communities and partner agencies to provide factual evidence to help regulate the practice and takes any and all complaints or concerns seriously.

Anyone can submit a complaint against a professional landscape architect. Board staff will review the allegations and the Board will determine if there is probable cause that a violation has occurred. Please be as detailed as possible when completing the Complaint Form.



Frequently Asked Questions


A complaint against any person or organization involving any matter coming within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Board. Use of the Complaint Form is preferred. 

The respondent is the person, or firm, alleged to have violated the Professional Landscape Architect Act and/or Board Rules. Respondents can be an architect, professional engineer, organization, or member of the public. 

The complainant is the person who files a complaint with the Board. Complainants can be an architect, professional engineer, organization, or member of the public.  

You will need to submit a written account of the alleged violation, who was involved, and the project address (if applicable). Any contracts, technical documents, or other evidence supporting your complaint can also be submitted with the Complaint Form.

Board staff will typically contact you within one week of receiving the complaint to verify information and gather any additional information that may be required.

Yes, the complainant receives a letter notifying them of the outcome of the complaint. In the event that the Board finds a violation of the E&A Regulation Act and/or Board Rules occurred, the Board may resolve the matter through disciplinary action via a formal or informal process. If no violation occurred, the Board dismisses the complaint.

Complaints are summarized in the Board newsletter, The Nebraska Professional. The identity of the Respondent is only published when the Board takes disciplinary action.

The Complainant’s identity is not published in the newsletter, regardless of the outcome of the complaint. 

Yes, anyone can file a complaint with the Board.

In instances where the Board has taken disciplinary action, the resulting Order of Disciplinary Action or Settlement Agreement is considered public record and available upon written request. Investigative records of the Board may be withheld upon a public records request, per Nebraska statutes regarding public records


If you have any questions about filing a complaint, please contact us.

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